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Monday, June 4, 2012

Downtown Revitalization Meeting Tuesday Night

A public forum for downtown revitalization will be held Tuesday evening, June 5 at 6:30 p.m. at the City Office.  Participants will have an opportunity to hear a progress report on Montezuma's downtown revitalization and beautification efforts, find out more about how public-private partnerships for revitalization work, and participate in a group exercise to provide input to the City of Montezuma and Montezuma Community Development to envision a future for downtown.  This third in a series of public forums hopes to engage the community-at-large to work towards a downtown facade improvement grant.  The grant program through the Iowa Economic Development Authority, could offer up to $500,000 in funding for downtown improvements.  Tuesday night's meeting will last one hour.  Please note, the meeting scheduled for Sunday, June 17 has been cancelled.