I came across an advertisement recently that has really stuck with me. It is a Lowes ad where a new couple moves into town and places a potted plant in a window box. This leads to the neighbor planting a flower garden, which leads to a painted fence, shutters on a house, and so on. Near the end of the commercial, a voice over comes on and says, “Home improvement is contagious.”
How true is that? I can’t even count the number of people who have taken notice of the construction, renovations, and curb appeal being done to buildings around the square. I think it’s more than just an attempt to “keep up with the Joneses.” Like the ad noted, I think it’s contagious.
Since the induction of the Community Development position in Montezuma last April, there has been so much excitement and movement in this town. The thousands of dollars of grant money and donations have already made a lasting impact on our community through beautification, events, building purchases and business expansions. So, let’s take it one step further, shall we?
As we are still eagerly awaiting word of the recipients of the façade grant, let’s keep moving forward. Let’s let the betterment of this community become contagious.
To help us visualize such growth and revitalization, I am challenging you to send photos of your various improvement projects over the last year, be it home or business, to montezumaiowaorg@yahoo.com. We will begin showcasing these improvements and projects for others to catch the bug of property improvement.
As always, community development is only made possible through the support of the people in and around it. To give to Montezuma Community Development or to learn about volunteer opportunities, contact the office at (641) 623-7600 or send to Box 314, Montezuma, IA 50171.